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Do you remember these words?
- This exercise is about to find out if you remember the words bellow.
- Click on "I REMEMBER", if you do, and on "I´VE FORTOTTEN", if you don´t.
- To see the solution, just click on "SEE".
- If you´ve forgotten 0 words, you will lose the game.
Vocabulary to go over:

Where do you live? : Wo wohnst du?
How did you do that? : Wie hast du das gemacht?
Are you tired? : Bist du müde?
What is this? : Was ist das?
Did you do that? : Hast du das gemacht?
Are you all right? : Geht es dir gut?
Where are you going? : Wohin gehst du?
What time is it? : Wie spät ist es?
Who said that? : Wer hat das gesagt?
Are you thirsty? : Bist du durstig?
Do we know each other? : Kennen wir uns?
When did you arrive? : Wann bist du angekommen?
Are you hungry? : Bist du hungrig?
How long? : Wie lang?
Since when? : Seit wann?