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Do you remember these words?
- This exercise is about to find out if you remember the words bellow.
- Click on "I REMEMBER", if you do, and on "I´VE FORTOTTEN", if you don´t.
- To see the solution, just click on "SEE".
- If you´ve forgotten 0 words, you will lose the game.
Vocabulary to go over:

the pier : il molo
the fishing season : la stagione di pesca
the bad weather : il maltempo
the shore : la riva
the fishing license : la licenza di pesca
the fishing line : la lenza
the cork : il sughero
the bucket : il secchio
the net : la rete
the ship : la nave
the boat : la barca
the fishing rod : la canna da pesca
the hook : il gancio
the bait : l´esca
the fish : il pesce