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Do you remember these words?
- This exercise is about to find out if you remember the words bellow.
- Click on "I REMEMBER", if you do, and on "I´VE FORTOTTEN", if you don´t.
- To see the solution, just click on "SEE".
- If you´ve forgotten 5 words, you will lose the game.
Vocabulary to go over:

the tourniquet : el torniquete
the sun cream : la crema solar
the tweezers : las pinzas
the cotton : el algodón
the cough syrup : el jarabe para la tos
the analgesic : el analgésico
the anti-inflammatory : el antiinflamatorio
the laxative : el laxante
the antidepressant : el antidepresivo
the painkiller : el calmante
the sleeping pill : el somnífero
the thermometer : el termómetro
the expired medicines : el medicamento caducado
the eyedrops : el colirio
the cast : el yeso