Basic questions 2 in Czech - Vocabulary Trainer

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Czech Language Vocabulary Quiz: Basic questions 2


Since when? Od kdy?
How long? Jak dlouho?
Are you hungry? Máš hlad?
When did you arrive? Kdy jsi přijel?
Do we know each other? Známe se?
Are you thirsty? Máš žízeň?
Who said that? Kdo to řekl?
What time is it? Kolik je hodin?
Where are you going? Kam jdeš?
Are you all right? Jsi v pořádku?
Did you do that? Udělal jsi to?
What is this? Co to je?
Are you tired? Jsi unavený?
How did you do that? Jak jsi to udělal?
Where do you live? Kde bydlíš?

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